Our latest musings, industry facts and helpful hints.
What Happens When We Don't Drink Water
Each day we lose between 2-3 litres of water through bladder + bowel movements, set and ventilation/ breathing. Maintaining an adequate level of water in our system is essential to avoid de-hydration.
Stretching vs Foam Rolling- whats the verdict?
Static stretching and myofascial release (foam rolling) are two common techniques used to increase joint range of motion and flexibility and are commonly used to help people decrease stiffness, help with muscle soreness and for injury prevention. The question is- which one has better results?
What does "taking it easy" mean after birth
The exercises in this article are safe for you to perform whether you have had a vaginal birth or cesarean section. Read our other blog post "taking care of yourself post natural birth/cesarean" for further information on how these two births differ in your recovery.